New Release Sneaks and Giveaway Day 3

IT’S NEW RELEASE AND IG GIVEAWAY TIME! Today we're sharing three sets, I Believe, Snow One Like You and Holly Jolly.  I Believe is a lighthearted set about the consequences of not believing in Santa.  Holly Jolly is a peaceful rural winter scene featuring sprigs of holly popping up around an old fence post, with a cozy home in the background.  Last, Snow One Like You features a quirky snowman and her feathered friends.

Our new release will be in the store on November 21.  We'll be sharing sneaks and doing giveaways the 18th-20th, so we hope you'll check in every day to enter and see the great inspiration from our Design Team. Our Video Team will also have product previews each day on our YouTube Channel (link in profile), so be sure to check them out, too!

If you’d like a chance to win Snow One Like You, head over to our Giveaway post on Instagram @missinkstamps for a chance to win!
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